Who do you tell?

How are you, really?

I've been having conversations about this recently. About how we try to be, and how we really are. About how we say we are, and how we really are. About who we trust enough to say how we really are. About whether we even admit it to ourselves.

Mama, we all need each other. We need to create the space to hold the truth of how we are. Of what's wonderful, and what sucks.  So we can witness each other, be witnessed, and continue to move in the direction of our dreams.

Our dreams. Not our socially pressured expectations. The dreams of what we really want, for ourselves, for our children, for our lives.

So, how are you, really?

Me, well ~ some days I'm awesome, and some days not so much. Some days I got it covered, and some days I need my support system like I need food and water.

Do I let it all hang out with everyone? No. But I have created safe spaces where I can, because I know what happens if I don't (and it ain't pretty).

This is why I'm here for you. This is my purpose: to connect with and support amazing mamas to move in the direction of their dreams.

If you're even a bit curious about how that can happen, I'd love to share something I just created ~ mini coaching. It's a great way to dip your toe in, get a jump start, discover what it feels like to be supported and take steps in the direction of yourdreams.

With so much love,